Welcome to Looking Glass Pottery Studio! The purpose of our one night classes is to allow new and experienced potters the chance to work in clay under instructor guidance without a long time commitment. Please note that there are some physical requirements with pottery wheels, but no experience in clay required for many of our courses!
Read below for more information about these course offerings, and as always, check out our Events calendar for more details on studio happenings.
All Classes through 8/9 are complete and ready for pickup.
Classes in Progress
Last updated 9/1
Cost: $45 - 55 per person per event depending on materials
Duration: One time
Experience required: None
One night classes are great for students interested in getting started in clay, or learning more with an instructor-led session but a low-time commitment.
What to Expect:
The class instructor will guide participants on throwing 3 one-pound balls of clay as time permits. Participants can choose the glaze color for their finished pieces from a studio selection, and then pick their finished & fired pieces up approximately 3-4 weeks after class. Picking up work is an OPTIONAL step; not required, but please let us know during class if you don't plan to come back for your work.
Please note that the recommended age for classes is 16 and up, though in some cases potters as young as 12 may participate.
What to Bring:
If you have any questions, please contact us at support@lookingglasspottery.com.
We are always on the lookout for fun events and techniques, so may expand our course offering soon. Contact us if you have any questions or check out our Studio Events page for details on future workshops!